Circulating currency is the one key to unlock your blessings. When we circulate our currency, we send it out cheerfully. We are excited to give, we have a sense of responsibility when we pay our debts, and we understand that there is an endless supply from the universe when we need anything. You are entitled to have the desires of your heart and to be happy.
Currency is not meant to be hoarded and will stop the flow of blessings. The current cannot continue if there is a blockage. Your left hand will not receive if your right hand does not give. There is no mistake as to the name of “currency.” Current is the passing in time; belonging to the time passing or flow, as of a river. Something that flows, as a stream, a portion of air, a large body of water, etc., moving in a particular direction the speed at which such flow moves, the velocity of flow. As a course, as of time or events; the main course; the general tendency. As electricity is a flow of electricity that results from the ordered directional movement of electrically charged particles. A quantity representing the rate of flow of electric charge, usually measured in amperes. The general tendency or course of events or opinion. Circulate is to move or cause to move continuously or freely through a closed system or area. Flow, course, move around, go around, socialize, mingle, pass or cause to pass from place to place or person to person. Karma is a Sanskrit word meaning “the action.” The cycle of cause-and-effect is essential in many cultures and religions, focusing on Hinduism and Buddhism. Karma is both the actions and the consequences of our activities and thoughts. Karma is not permanent as some may believe, nor is it set in stone. We do have control of our actions. The steps of your life and thoughts are your spiritual development, and your personality directly results from your thoughts and actions. Present actions will affect your future. Currency is meant as a promissory note or a coin. Currency is the medium through which money becomes “alive.” Currency is known as the legal tender, and it is approved by all governments. Currency is used anywhere as a payment method in exchange for goods, services and charity. Currency is rooted in the Latin word “currere,” which means “to flow like a river” or “to run.” In other words, current! Affirmation to repeat: “May my karma aid the circulation of my currency, and the continuous current bring me the blessings that I deserve and desire.” Comments are closed.